家族をめぐる人間関係の探究 : チームによる心理劇的アプローチ
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This paper researches how to do a cooperative study between university and society through team activities, and how to use various psychodramas for exploration of human relations in connection with family. For five years since 1989 we have been doing team activities in relation to the above-mentioned themes making good use of the structure-analysis or the theory and techniques of triadic leader team based on the Science of Relationships founded by K. Matsumura. We also used the concept of networking by J. Lipnack & J. Stamps. As for psychodrama we have especially been directing open psychodramas in daily lives in combination with fieldworks. The paper discusses several general issues about team activities, a) How are interdisciplinary studies to be carried out among different fields integrating each distinctive subject ? -Setting up situations in which anybody would be able to state his or her own thought ; Finding out common, similar and peculiar subjects from each thought ; etc. b ) How are human relations of participants including both researchers and cooperators to be formed and developed ? -Making arrangements for taking various roles which participants choose freely ; Developing flexible human relations in which any participant would be able to experience both interdependent and independent processes ; etc. c ) How are unexpected serious affairs to be dealed with ? -Consulting repeatedly with the persons concerned ; Creating new dynamic activities in accordance with the variation of relational movement and spontaneous movement of each participant ; etc.. The paper also discusses effects of psychodramatic approach such as many-sided exploration on family, multiple development of human relations, special experience beyond daily lives and so on. In addition we would like to suggest making use of proper psychodramas carefully in consideration of critical situations such as despotic direction or negative comments in sharing, etc..
- 日本人間関係学会の論文
- 1994-10-10
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- 030 親と子の集団活動における「間」関係的役割行為(1) : 境界における新たな人間関係の創造
- 198 乳幼児との小集団活動 : 心理劇の展開
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- 家族をめぐる人間関係の探究 : チームによる心理劇的アプローチ
- 246 親と子の集団活動における「間」関係的役割行為(2) : 異なる関係体験の交差(口頭発表II,家庭・地域II)