中心市街地の伝統は継承されるのか : 学生のまちづくり活動を通して
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It has been a long time since the nation has seen a decline in the town and city centres such as the one currently taking place. What is remarkable is that in recent years, activities to revitalize these areas have been performed by external parties, rather than by the people who run the shops in the town/city centres. Also, these revitalization activities strongly reflect the citizens' needs, which are different from the needs of business revitalization that revolves around profit. The city centre of Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture, has been modernized from its early days as a castle town in the Edo period and was damaged heavily during World War II. It is here that I have been making efforts to carry out revitalization activities with university students. By implementing and reflecting on a range of activities- from initial landscape surveys to preventative long-term care of the elderly and activities aimed at children as well as those designed to bring together the elderly and children-I evaluated how traditions should be passed down to the next generation in city centre areas.
- 2013-03-00
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