教育行政の専門性・独立性(政界再編と地教行法体制,I 年報フォーラム)
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The aim of this paper is to investigate recent debates and issues of reform about the "Professionalization" of educational administration. There is a certain tendency to emphasize professionalization and independence of educational administration differently from general administration among the people engaged in education. The intention of emphasizing this difference is to distinguish the character of educational administration from general administration and maintain the autonomy of educational administration. This paper insists that it is not reasonable and realistic to over-emphasize such professionalization and independence of educational administration in the current situation of general administration in Japan - for example, to get all employees in the board of education, including superintendents, certificated and so on because advanced professionalization and independence of educational administration would make the relation between boards of education and schools more bureaucratic and break unifying policies in local government with a centralization between the Ministry of Education and the local board of education. The main difference distinguishing educational administration from general administration is the existance of schools. There is a principle that management of teachers and schools based on the system of teachers' certification should be done by professional autonomy and advice, not under the authoritative supervision of the board of education. This is the reason why many people engaged in education emphasize and ask for professionalization and the independence of educational administration. This paper insists, though, that the function of schools shouldn't be enlarged to a level of an administration but be performed fully at the level of schools because advanced professionalization of educational administration would make the relation between the board of education and schools more bureaucratic and weaken the responsibility of schools to parents and communities. It is better that the tense relations between educational administration and general administration should be mediated by conceding more professional autonomy of the curriculum and personnel and budget to schools. It is a point that we should learn from school-reforms called "school-based management" and "collaborative management" from other advanced countries like the U.S. and the U.K.
- 1996-09-27
- 義務教育国庫負担金総額裁量制の運用実態 : 都道府県財政状況と総額裁量制の運用実態の関係(9-【B】分権改革の事例検討,1 一般研究発表I,発表要旨)
- 教育行政の専門性・独立性(政界再編と地教行法体制,I 年報フォーラム)
- 三位一体改革と義務教育財政制度の改革構想(論点の検証と問い直し・1,戦後日本の教育行政研究(1)-義務教育学校「存立」の行政原理を問う,I 年報フォーラム)
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- 討論の概要とまとめ(III 第2回大会公開シンポジウム「人口問題と教育政策」)
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- 国内における教育政策研究動向レビュー : 1995年1月〜12月(V 内外教育政策研究動向)