IV 比較研究の立場からの提言(I 論説<教育行政研究の方法論を問う>)
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In this paper three propositions are suggested to develop the comparative studies for the enhancement of the studies of educational administration in Japan. The first one is to reaffirm the significance of comparative studies for the studies of educational administration. The second is to enrich the methodology of studies of educational administration by conducting an exclusive research on the theories and methodologies of educational administration abroad and by making an attempt to apply these methodologies to explore educational administration in Japan. The third is to facilitate the comparative studies of educational administration. In the first proposition of the reaffirmation of the significance of comparative studies, four aspects of the usefulness of comparative studies are pointed out. The first is found in comparative research methods which are equivalent to experiments in the natural sciences. The second is in the possibility of making a general theory. It is assumed that studies of social sciences can make a general theory only by comparing many cases. The third is that comparative studies are of help for a researcher to make relative points of view in his or her research, thus avoiding arbitrary conclusions. The fourth is the practicability of comparative studies that contribute to reform and improvement of education nationally and internationally as well. In the second proposition of the enrichment of methodology of educational administration based upon foreign studies and comparative studies, three specific propositions are suggested on the assumption that studies of educational administration include a study of the political powers controlling educational matterts. The first suggestion is to make an application of the micro-dynamic approach of the political sciences to the exploration of educational administration in Japan. The micro-dynamic approach is expected to clarify diverse and complex processes of educational administration that have not been made clear satisfatorily by the prevailing institutional approach and the macro-political approach. The second specific suggestion within the enrichment of methodology is that studies of educational administration be made grounded in facts, freed from the normative character of education, thus avoiding easy-going conclusions. The third specific suggestion is that developments of comparative studies related to educational administration such as comparative education, comparative political sciences be taken notice of. Those comparative academic areas have remarkably advanced their own theory and methodology to explore the expanding academic concerns for educational matters of various countries ranging from advanced capitalistic nations through socialistic nations to developing nations. It is recommended that studies of educational administration develop theory and methodology to explore those expanding areas of studies. In the final proposition of the facilitation of comparative studies, it is suggested that comparative studies be facilitated because of the significance as a method of research in spite of many difficulties involved in the comparison of matters on educational administration.
- 1992-10-05
- テキサス州における学校財政制度訴訟と財政制度改革 : エッジウッド判決を中心として
- IV 比較研究の立場からの提言(I 論説)
- 《アメリカ》一九八〇年代教育改革期における連邦と州の政策動向 : 財政問題に関連させて(III 各国の教育財政)