- 論文の詳細を見る
The sekkotsuin (traditional or thopedic clinic in Japan) make bonesetting and muscular power recovery, does business at local community. And elderly people go to sekkotsuin regularly in many cases. The judo-seifukushi (traditional bonesetter in Japan), who works and manages sekkotsuin, uses traditional skill, "judo-seifuku-jutsu". Also, the judo-seifukushi usually meets elderly people at sekkotsuin. According to this background, we thought whether elder abuse could be discovered in the sekkotsuin. This paper discussed the purpose concerned from three viewpoints. In the first, our group wrote the elder abuse prevention with the judo-seifukushi, and their positioning after public-care-insurance enforcement. This paper clarified that the judo-seifukushi is appropriate as professionals of corresponding to care and prevention of elder abuse. In the second, we wrote about the elderly abuse which a judo-seifukushi, as priority review, which based on a research was investigated by our group. When supplemented, this investigation is positioning as reference data. According to this investigation, it turned out that there are few recognition of elderly abuse in the sekkotsuin, where the judo-seifukushi is working usually. This result showed two points of argument. The former is that the judo-seifukushi did not notice elderly abuse. The latter is that elderly abuse has not occurred to sekkotsuin users. In the third, we related the act of elder abuse with management in sekkotsuin. We showed that sekkotsuin did not have so big management power in the community. As a result, the judo-seifukushi may not notify a specialized agency. Therefore, education activities are required in order to solve the problem concerned. This group concluded that sekkotsuin is useful to elder abuse prevention in these three viewpoints. We are sure that the elder-abuse-prevention activity in the sekkotsuin can be promoted because the law permeates society. We think that it continues to be necessary in that case to consider sekkotsuin management.
- 2013-03-00
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