362 Estimating relevant source area of pollen and relative pollen productivity in the Hakkoda Mountains, northeastern Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-08-23
Takahara Hikaru
Kyoto Prefectural Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Nakamura Takuma
Kyoto Prefectural University
Ohno Keiichi
Yokohama National University
- 474 Contrasting human's role in Holocene vegetation history in the lower Yangtze River, east China and Aso Caldera, southwest Japan : evidence from pollen, phytolith and charcoal data
- 208 History of intentional fires and vegetation on the Soni Plateau, Central Japan, reconstructed from palynological records within mire sediment and cumulative soils
- 566 Vegetation and fire history since the last glacial based on pollen and macroscopic charcoal records in the southern area of Mt. Yufu, northeast Kyushu, Japan
- 178 Detection and characterisation of millennial-scale vegetation and climate variability in Quaternary pollen records from East Asia -recent progress and future perspective
- 136 Vegetation reconstruction in MIS5e and MIS5d based on plant remains from the Mizukiri peat layer, Fukui, western Japan
- 471 Late Holocene human impact on vegetation changes around Beppu Bay in northeast Kyushu, southwest Japan based on the influx pollen data dated by a wiggle-matching
- 362 Estimating relevant source area of pollen and relative pollen productivity in the Hakkoda Mountains, northeastern Japan