24pGA-16 Phenomenology of 5D SUGRA models with multi moduli
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-03-05
- 20pBL-2 5次元超重力模型におけるフレーバー構造(20pBL 素粒子論領域,理論核物理領域 合同企画講演,素粒子論領域)
- 13pSD-8 磁場を持つ高次元超対称模型の4次元有効理論について(13pSD 有限温度・素粒子論的宇宙論・余剰次元,素粒子論領域)
- 24pGA-16 Phenomenology of 5D SUGRA models with multi moduli
- 24pGA-15 Effective theory of 5D SUGRA models with multi moduli
- 24pGA-12 磁場とウィルソンラインを用いた高次元模型におけるクォーク・レプトン質量行列の解析(24pGA 余剰次元,素粒子論領域)
- 27aRA-2 Phenomenology after the instant uplifted inflation in 5D SUGRA models
- 26pRA-3 Moduli inflation and gravitino dark matter
- 27pRE-5 The Higgs boson mass in a natural MSSM with nonuniversal gaugino masses at the GUT scale
- 27aRA-5 Flavor landscape of 10D SYM theory with general magnetic fluxes
- 27aRA-4 4D low-energy effective field theory from the magnetized D5-D9 system
- 27aRA-3 Fermionic zero modes on Sasaki-Einstein manifolds
- 20aSF-12 D9-brane,Euclidean D5-brane混合系の4次元有効理論の解析(余剰次元,素粒子論領域)
- 20aSF-11 LARGE volume scenario in 5D SUGRA models
- 20aSF-9 Non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetry from magnetized extra dimensions
- 28pSB-8 Gaussian textures of Yukawa couplings from magnetized extra dimensions