震災復興過程におけるコミュニティ・ガバナンス : 協働の枠組をめぐる国際比較(グローバリゼーションにおける社会・経済システムの構想)
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Some collaborative frameworks for coordinating and promoting rehabilitation and recovery activities can be observed at the community level during the post-disaster recovery process. Such a framework, which is formed as a local organization or institution, has the potential to function not only as a consensus building system or services delivery mechanism for better recovery but also as a foundation for community development in the post-recovery phase. The purpose of this paper is to review the collaborative framework in the context of governance theory based on Janet Newman's normative model. It also intends to examine the significance of collaborative framework in line with the recovery principles and concepts. Focusing on three cases: neighbourhood groups as a manifestation of mutual help spirit, "Gotong Royong" (Central Java Earthquake of 2006: Indonesia), "Setu" as an information hub (Gujarat Earthquake of 2001: India), and "CS Kobe" as a community-based intermediary (Hanshsin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995: Japan), the development process of each framework was examined from the recovery phase to the sustainable development phase. The findings indicated that while each case has unique and distinct characteristics in terms of social capital and governance system, a common aspect of frameworks can be observed. That is, in each framework, "self-governance model" that enhances community cohesion coexisted with "open systems model" that connects to the outside and responds flexibly to changes in society. Each framework was commonly regarded as an interface between internal and external networks so that it could strengthen social integration while simultaneously creating social innovation by promoting interactions with external actors. The collaborative framework is found to make a significant contribution to applying the recovery principles of sustainability and resilience. Sustainable mutual-help mechanism was embedded in the community as the framework extended its activities in reaction to community needs or evolved into an established partnership. The framework also built the capacity to resist and recover from the effects of hazard by harnessing the potential power that the community originally had and furthermore it facilitated flexible adaptation to changes by improvising and recombining resources through its redundant and diverse network.
- 2011-10-25
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