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This paper deals with some challenges that teachers in charge of engineering ethics at NCT may encounter.Although engineering ethics expects from the teacher in charge of it an abundant knowledge and literacy concerningtoday's science technology, teachers whose academic discipline has nothing to do with science technology teachengineering ethics at NCT. The academic disciplines of those teachers is usually either in the humanities or the socialsciences. Such a difference of academic discipline causes both practical and theoretical problems. Engineering ethicseducation in Japan always tries to catch up with that of the United States. This paper suggests that it is insufficient toonly try to fill the gap between the ideal of engineering ethics of the universities in the United States, and the reality ofengineering ethics education at NCT in Japan. It is more important to focus upon how to utilize the original academicdisciplines of teachers at NCT in engineering ethics education. Finally, this paper shows what the humanities and thesocial sciences can bring to engineering ethics education.
- 2013-03-00