企業経営とサービスのあり方─ 高齢化社会とユニバーサルサービス ─
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The aging society gives a definition that an older population among the total population 65 years or older is beyond 7% in the society. In Japan, we became the aging society in 1970, and the ratio became the super aged society beyond 21% in 2007. The society becomes such an aging society, however, as for the business activity of the company is not still matured for the society. For the corporate management in the aging society, it is necessary to improve the sponsoring service in the way of an organization. As to sponsoring service in the organization, the service management is to provide a human service for the purpose of customers/clients satisfaction toward to the service in the corporate management. In this study, I take up the service care with corporate management in the aging society particularly discuss the need of "the Universal Service". The service means that service to everyone; age or sex, handicapped or not, nationality.
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- 企業経営とサービスのあり方─ 高齢化社会とユニバーサルサービス ─