女性のエンパワーメントプロセスと社会運動 : ある女性地域活動家のライフヒストリーを通して
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This study aims to give an example of the empowerment process of Japanese women after World War II. In the study, I analyze the life history of "W", a women's social movement organizer, born in 1934. After receiving a democratic education at junior high school, she gained experience of students' movements in university, and later, of labor union movements in her work. Furthering her experiences in the 1970s through citizen's and political movements and through the women's movements of the 1980s, in the 1990s she became engaged in work for the "House of K", a social welfare NPO movement. It was through these social movements that "W" gained empowerment, and presently, she supports the empowerment of local women in her activities at the "House of K". From her example, the importance of social movements in forwarding women's empowerment can be seen.
- 2012-09-30
- 2.子どもたちの生活とトイレ環境 2 : 京都教育大学附属桃山小学校トイレ改善プロジェクト 2
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- 京都教育大学における利用者参加型学校トイレ改善プロジェクト
- 子どもたちの生活とトイレ環境 : 京都教育大学附属桃山小学校におけるトイレ改善プロジェクト
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- 女性のエンパワーメントプロセスと社会運動 : ある女性地域活動家のライフヒストリーを通して