ホーレスマン初等教育研究における市民性尺度の開発過程 : プロジェクト・メソッドのための教育測定法作成の実験
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the development of the citizenship scale which was developed as a means of educational assessment for the Project Method. In 1916, the Horace Mann School affiliated with Teachers College at Columbia University embarked on an educational experiment to set forth the underlying principles of elementary education. This experiment, called the "Horace Mann Studies in Elementary Education," was based on the Project Method theorized in 1918 by William H. Kilpatrick. As part of this effort, the citizenship scale was devised. At that time, grading scales for reading, writing and arithmetic had been newly devised by Edward L. Thorndike and his disciples. In 1918, the citizenship chart was developed particularly by Clara F. Chassell, who specialized in the study of educational assessment of morality under the guidance of Thorn- dike, to indicate standards for the habits and attitudes desirable for good citizenship. The citizenship scale, based on the citizenship chart, was specifically designed as an objective quantitative measurement of character development, something that Kilpatrick highly valued in the Project Method. It was also used as a means to educate students in good citizenship through project activities. Later in the spring of 1922, "A Test of Ability to Weigh Foreseen Consequences" was developed to motivate students to practice desirable habits and attitudes. This test, devised in the final stage of the experiment, was not designed to objectively measure desirable habits and attitudes. Although at the beginning of the experiment, Chassell recognized the need to clarify the purpose of educational assessment, she was unable to do so. In the end, Chassell was driven by necessity to consider the philosophy of assessment and weighed Dewey's educational outlook against Thorndike's. As is clear from its development, the citizenship scale as a means of educational assessment for the Project Method was devised in order to achieve an ideal balance between objectively measuring desirable habits and attitudes and developing them based on the Project Method. Eventually, Chassell focused on the philosophy of assessment and placed greater emphasis, not on objective assessment of character traits, but on improving students' character. Although the citizenship scale was of limited effectiveness for objectively measuring character development, it would be safe to say that it set a precedent for undertaking the difficult task of devising tests and scales for the Project Method.
- 2012-10-01
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- モバイル環境における一対多通信 : シミュレーションによるFTPとSRMの比較
- ホーレスマン初等教育研究における市民性尺度の開発過程 : プロジェクト・メソッドのための教育測定法作成の実験
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