18世紀ドイツにおける子育ての近代化 : ファウスト『衛生問答』に注目して
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Dr. Bernhard Christoph Faust (1755-1842), who played an active role at the end of 18^<th> century as a public health doctor and writer in the field of hygiene, published several revised editions of his book, The Catechism of Health. This book focused on the methods of instructing children how to live a healthy life. The first edition appeared 1792, and Faust revised it in 1794 and again in 1802. This paper analyzes how these texts reflect changes in Faust's views on child rearing. The Catechism of Health makes use of a question-and-answer format in order to teach the knowledge of hygiene. It was designed for the classroom as well as home instruction. This paper elucidates the following issues: (1) How and why Dr. Faust wrote his book and later revisions; (2) Background factors contributing to the book's wide distribution; (3) The main content and revised portions of the book; (4) The changing relationships between the book and the influence of the church; and (5) The changing descriptions of how to put a baby to sleep.
- 2012-10-01
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