欧州地域協力の主体の変容 : 「リージョナルとナショナル」から「サブリージョナル」へ : INTERREG II C地域プログラムの比較考察
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This paper aims at investigating the recently changing nature of sub-regionalism in Europe. In1997, European Community (EC) started the "Community Initiative INTERREG II C." This is the first initiative that introduced the concept of categorizing sub-regions as policy introduction units in order to put European regional policy into operation. Since the introduction of common policies, EC has experienced an imbalance of prosperity between Blue Bananas and peripheries. To establish economic and social cohesion all over the area, EC set up seven sub-regions, aims to solve the particular problems in each area, and let the local authorities participate in the decision making process at the sub-regional level. To illustrate the changing nature of the local authorities in the playing field of sub-regions, I chose North Sea sub-region and Baltic Sea sub-region as research case studies. Comparing the two "sea rim sub-regions," it became clear that the identity nature of international actors such as the EC, member states, and local authorities has been changing.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 2000-10-31
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