- 論文の詳細を見る
Northeast Asia is composed of regions that have not only a close geographical proximity to each other but also a number of mutually complementary industrial elements. The region is currently attracting worldwide attention as being potentially the area of most dramatic economic growth in the 21st century. The actual level of growth, however, will depend on the level of cooperation and exchanges achieved betwween these countries over the next several years. The Hokuriku region, composed of Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui Prefectures, has historically enjoyed economic and cultural relations with many regions in Northeast Asial(especially in the countries of China, Russia, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea). In recent years there has been increased interaction with China in particular, due to that country's rapid growth. However, this interaction has not included the Northeast region of China, with the exception of the city of Dalian. At present, relations between the Hokuriku region and Jilin Province in particular are virtually non-existent. Currently, the Tumen River Area Development Project promoted by Jilin Province is attracting worldwide attention. Not surprisingly, the prefectures in the Hokuriku region and the other Japanese prefectures bordering the Japan Sea have begun to take an interest in Jilin Province, and interaction with the province has become increasingly active, The Hokuriku region has conducted mostly modest governmental and academic exchanges with Jilin Province thus far, but even these have been enough to suggest that the two regions have a good deal to offer each other. Industrially, the regions complement each other in many waysand there are evident possibilities for technical cooperation, including the transfer of knowledge. This report is intended as a first step toward more substantial economic activity between China and Japan, particularly between Jilin Province and the Hokuriku region. We have analyzed primarily the industrial sectors of each of the two regions to provide a starting point for concrete economic exchanges. It is our hope that this report will be of some use to the Hokukiku region and its industries in developing economic ties with Jilin Province.
- 北東アジア学会の論文
- 1996-12-01
- 北東アジアにおける地方間経済交流への反省と課題 : グローカリズムの意義と可能性(21世紀の北東アジア経済協力のあり方を考える-韓国東北アジア経済学会との交流をつうじて-)
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- 吉林省と北陸地域との経済交流の可能性と今後の進め方
- 会員著書紹介(2) : 雨宮洋司・富山大学人間発達科学部附属小学校著, 『海を越えた心のキャッチボール-環日本海小学校授業交流への挑戦-』, 2007年, (富山大学出版)
- COMMENT(中国東北三省の国際観光市場に関する考察,第3分科会:社会・観光・文化,第10回研究大会報告要旨)
- COMMENT(シベリアにおける日ロ合弁木材企業と現地木材企業の比較,第8回研究大会報告要旨)
- COMMENT(北東アジア観光交流圏形成の現状に関する研究,第3分科会:観光,第8回研究大会報告要旨)
- 北東アジア貿易回廊研究会著, 『新絹之路(NEWシルクロード)-北東アジア貿易回廊の現場から-』, 2002年, 山海堂
- 在日本中国地方政府商社(東北3省直属)の業務展開と北陸の課題(第3分科会:北東アジア政治・経済,第6回大会報告要旨)
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