中国の対外貿易による雇用効果 -2007年の産業連関表を中心に-
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The foreign trade volume and dependency of China have been expanded rapidly after joining WTO in 2000.It is necessary to analyze the relation between the labor employment and the foreign trade quantitatively because of the foreign trade increase. Based on this recognition, this thesis shows the effect of the foreign trade on the employment in China measured by using the input-output table. The volume of employment of each sector is calculated by using average wages and worker rewards from the labor statistics and the input-output table at producer's price of China. In the employment volume calculation related to the trade, three types of import models are compared. In China, the volume of employment related to export reached 21.1%〜28.9% of total employment, and the trade surplus created 6.9%〜8.5% of total employment according to the measurement result using by the 42 sectors input-output table in 2007.
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