On a perfect isometry between principal $p$-blocks of finite groups with cyclic $p$-hyperfocal subgroups (Research into Finite Groups and their Representations, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Combinatorics)
- A remark on hyperfocal subalgebras of blocks of finite groups (Algebraic Combinatorics and related groups and algebras)
- An application of Uno correspondences in $p$-solvable groups (Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics)
- Higher Weights for Codes over Finite Rings (Codes, lattices, vertex operator algebras and finite groups)
- On a perfect isometry between principal blocks of nite groups (有限群のコホモロジー論とその周辺 : RIMS研究集会報告集)
- On a perfect isometry between principal $p$-blocks of finite groups with cyclic $p$-hyperfocal subgroups (Research into Finite Groups and their Representations, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Combinatorics)