デュガルド・スチュアートの救貧思想と貧困対策 : スミス以後の貧困問題を中心に
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This paper aims to clarify Dugald Stewart's view on poverty. He has generally been considered an optimist and admirer of the development of commercial society and unlimited free trade. However, notably, Stewart emphasized the importance of poor relief in his influential Lectures on Political Economy (1800-1810). I will show the significance of his view on the establishment of public granaries related to the Scottish poor relief system, which, historically, had had an enormous effect on the maintenance of the poor. However, Stewart recognized that the Scottish poor relief system would augment financial burdens through the annual increase of poor rates. In this paper, I attempt to explain the significance of Stewart's realistic view of the evils of charitable workhouses, factory labor, and so on, focusing mainly on his criticism of poor laws as leading to an increase in poverty. Moreover, I shall highlight the important fact that Stewart indeed proposed various forms of poor relief. The basic components of his poor relief policies can be summarized as follows: (1) possession of property among the lower classes, (2) improvements in the prison system, and (3) gradual advancement of low wages. The first relates to the improvement of morals and the incentive to work; the second, the prevention and correction of crimes; and the third, the improvement of their living conditions through economic development. Focusing on his arguments on these poor relief policies, I will illuminate the historical significance of Stewart's original view of poor relief in the early nineteenth century after Smith.
- 経済学史学会の論文
- 2011-07-25