Definition of tumor by the loss of stability and functional analytic approach with scale changes for tumor behaviors based on genes (Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications VIII)
- Induction and application of an equation to analyze a local ignition of the immune system for a complete deletion of a cancer mass (Theory of Biomathematics and its Applications VI)
- Cancer and immune system interaction model like a neural network model, analysis of cancer mass effect and meaning of vaccine (第5回生物数学の理論とその応用--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 1P275 T細胞等による免疫機構の微小故障診断的解釈と癌発生の抑制等の意味について(数理生物学、非平衡・生体リズム,ポスター発表,第45回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 1P274 癌細胞のリンパ節への移動と癌細胞増殖速度との関係についての数理解析(数理生物学、非平衡・生体リズム,ポスター発表,第45回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Definition of tumor by the loss of stability and functional analytic approach with scale changes for tumor behaviors based on genes (Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications VIII)
- An automatic control mechanism to ignite the immune system locally against a small cancer mass considering reliability (Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications IX)