心をはぐくむ幼児音楽教育-第二章「子どもの感性と音楽の精神世界」 -
- 論文の詳細を見る
This is the gist of 'Children's Sensitivity and Child-centred Approaches to Music Education for Fostering Their Personality Developments', the second part of my essay ' Infant Music Education to Cultivate the Inner World of Children'. I shall shed light on the importance of child-centred approaches to infant music education from the following points of view: the relation between tranquillity and children's ability to concentrate by listening to sounds carefully. I also analyse the influences of the methods and principals introduced by a couple of great music educationalists, such as Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, Kodaly Zoltan, and Carl Orff in Japan, examining the differences and similarities of each cultural background of other countries and how these educational ways should be taken into Japanese nursery schools in order to make them the most effective and suitable educational opportunities to today's Japanese children. Thirdly, I mention the ideal attitudes of the nursery school teachers when they assist children in familiarising music and when they encourage them to stimulate various music experiences in their daily lives. There is a strong bond between infants and memories and good enjoyable music experiences; genuinely authentic music which sinks into children's deepest hearts, and adults' affection to children which brings out children's talents and active attitude to learn and live.
- 2012-07-01
- 心をはぐくむ幼児音楽教育-第一章『創造性と幼児音楽教育』-
- 日本・キリシタン音楽教育の原点 : 南蛮文化との出会い;イエズス会士A.ヴァリニャーノによるミッション教育の軌跡の探訪
- 心をはぐくむ幼児音楽教育-第二章「子どもの感性と音楽の精神世界」 -