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ISGOTT says that, Experience over a very long period indicates that electrostatic discharges caused by clothing and footwear do not, however, present a significant hazard in the oil industry. This is especially true in a marine environment where surfaces rapidly become contaminated by deposits of salt and moisture that reduce electrical resistances, particularly at high humidity." and "An increasing number of items manufactured from synthetic materials are being offered for use on board ships. It is important that those responsible for their provision to tankers should be satisfied that, if they are to be used in flammable atmospheres, they will not introduce electrostatic hazards." Then the author heard what a seafarer and a land personnel with personal antistatic devices in a tanker discharged. In this paper, the consciousness about seafarer's static electricity by the questionnaire was investigated, and the seafarer's electrostatic potential on tankers was measured. The obtained results are summarized as follows: (1) Human-body electrostatic potential is about Ov with personal antistatic devices, however, it is rarely about 1 kV. (2) Although antistatic measures are implemented by tankers, the two-thirds questioners has felt the static electricity inboard. (3) Antistatic measures are carried out on all tankers by antistatic apparatus and personal antistatic devices.
- 2012-03-25
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