音楽科における思考力育成カリキュラムの展開 : R. Marzanoの"Dimensions of Thinking"を中心に
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This study approached to the curriculum development of rearing of thinking power in school music education with clue to the developmental model which Robert Marzano (1988) proposed. The development of the thinking power doesn't always follow simple linear model such as a spiral or a step. It seems that thinking was rather shown by a network model, and we must grasp it from multi-dimensions. Thinking power is thought to be developed with strengthening of relation of each dimension. The suggestion which could get from it is as the following as a result examined in such a point of view. 1. The curriculum of rearing of thinking power dealed with on this study has a general idea such as the contents, processes, quality, and thinking skills. These concepts add disciplinary and method-like sides to learning, and they are developed variously by the sides in accordance with the purpose. Furthermore, the purpose is greatly different from the class that importance is attached to a goal for behavioral objectives (like result) until now, and has the point of view which exceeds the problem. At first, a student variously learns how to think about music and how to draw on existing information and skill in this curriculum. By doing that, students generate meaning about the unfamiliar music, and learn about the thinking process to express one's own musical idea through the improvisation and the composition and so on concretely. 2. Rearing of the thinking power in the class doesn't mean to make light of knowledge and skill in the process, but to suggest active acquisition of necessary knowledge and skill and to refine it conversely. Then, thinking power acts like the real intelligence, and becomes the important means to construct the meaning of what was learned. 3. The metacognition which has the nature of control of thinking, is gradually aquired with critical and creative thinking from about the middle grade in elementary school by the accumulation of the everyday training. These metacognition, critical and creative thinking enable students to see objectively their own thinking from various directions. By this, students notice thinking itself, through planning and evaluating learning. In such situation, difficult subjects like "push one's limit of the knowledge and ability", "generating new ways of viewing which exceeds a standard conventions" stand in a line, toward the musically-independent. However, without hesitation, it is necessary to show the place where a teacher actually grapple with them including students first. In other words, such teacher's act is thought to become opportunity to make the space of the creative, different kind of class.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 2001-03-31
- 音楽科教育における創造的思考に関する研究 : 音楽の解釈・表現を促すメタ認知の効果
- 音楽科における思考力育成カリキュラムの展開 : R. Marzanoの"Dimensions of Thinking"を中心に