KJ法を活用した鶴岡市認定農業者意向調査結果の報告 : 今日の農業問題をめぐる社会学の立場からの考察
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In this paper, I summarized the several important issues from the qualitative questionaries' survey of leading farmers in the famous agricultural area in Japan, and discussed the interrelated meanings of these issues.The state of affairs in today's Japanese rural area is very complicated; so many type of residents in one village, and be very difficult to discuss about the future goal of their agricultural activities. About half century ago, Japanese rural village residents were so unique that they regarded the collective decision making as the most important issue in the village life. But from this survey, I find that these conventional rules of conformity are the main root of today's rural problems. Emphasizing of the individual aspect of the human being in the planning and discussions in the village activities is very important key to solve these ploblems today.
- 2012-02-15
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- KJ法を活用した鶴岡市認定農業者意向調査結果の報告 : 今日の農業問題をめぐる社会学の立場からの考察