- 論文の詳細を見る
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the postural control on different conditions in health elder. METHOD: Twenty-four healthy older adults without history of neurological disease or falls participated in this study. Postural control was measured using the NeuroCom Equi-testR to examine the 6 different conditions; (1) eyes open with no movement of the support surface and visual surround, (2) eyes closed with no movement of support surface, (3) eyes open with a sway referenced visual surround and no movement of support surface, (4) eyes open with a sway referenced support surface and no movement of visual surround, (5) eyes closed with a sway referenced support surface, (6) eyes open with both a sway referenced support surface and a sway referenced visual surround. RESULT: The healthy elderly showed that postural control was unstable in condition 4 and 5 compared with condition 1 in static visual condition. Moreover, the postural control was unstable in condition 6 compared with condition 1 and 3 in dynamic visual situation. CONCLUSION: Vestibular and somatosensory systems were more important than visual system for maintaining the stable posture in healthy elderly.
- 2012-03-30
森本 浩之
浅井 友詞
森本 浩之
浅井 友詞
日本福祉大学 健康科学部リハビリテーション学科
渡辺 元夫
渡辺 元夫
林 史人
森本 浩之
丸山 高志
Everett B.
School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University
Eric G.
School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University
Kashiwa Naoko
School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University
Eric G.
School Of Allied Health Professions Loma Linda University
Everett B.
School Of Allied Health Professions Loma Linda University
Kashiwa Naoko
School Of Allied Health Professions Loma Linda University
Eric G.
School of Ailied Health Professions, Loma Linda University
Everett B.
School of Ailied Health Professions, Loma Linda University
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