日本産肉桂の研究(第2報) : 和歌山産並に鹿児島産肉桂に就て
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The quantitative determination of essential oil and cinnamic adlehyde was caried out on the leaves, bark of trunks, bark of branches, bark of roots of the Cinnamomum Loureirii Nees (Lauraceae) collected in Wakayama and Kagosima prefecture in Japan, and on the Cassia barks collected abroad (and brought to the market in Japan.) The determination was effected acordig to the method provided in J. P. V. with scant material a satisfactory result was obtained by the use of the essential oil extracting apparatus devided by the present authors or micro cassia flask. The quantity of essential oil and cinnamic aldehyde the collection. But as far as the bark of roots is concerned, the quantity compares favoures favourably with that of the Cinnamornum Cassia Blume, if the bark is fresh or stored in good condition. The refore, the bark of roots of the Cinnamoum Ioureirii Nees collected in Japan is valuable as vegetable drug.
- 1953-01-01
- 生薬中の微量成分の研究-3-
- 生薬中の微量成分の研究-1.2-
- クロマトグラフィーの応用(XIX) : 蚕糞中のビオチン
- クロマトグラフィーの応用(XVIII) : 血中葉酸類の定量法について
- 4.蚕糞中のビオチン(第64回協議会研究発表要旨)
- 33.血中葉酸の定量法について(第62回協議会研究発表要旨)
- 130.蜜蜂中のアセチルコリンについて(第5回日本ビタミン学会研究発表要旨)
- 20.日本産王乳(Royal jelly)中の微量成分について(第5回日本ビタミン学会研究発表要旨)
- 日本産肉桂の研究(第2報) : 和歌山産並に鹿児島産肉桂に就て
- 秦皮の生薬学的研究
- 漢薬秦〓の生薬学的研究(第1報) : 内蒙古産秦〓に就いて
- 王乳(Royal jelly)について
- 日本産ハチミツの検討 : 有用天然成分の研究 第9報