2N1624 電子顕微鏡画像分類の利便化のためのツール開発(バイオイメージング2,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-08-15
Yasunaga Takuo
Dept Bioscience & Bioinformatics Faculty Of Computer Science And Systems Engineering Kyushu Inst
Yasunaga Takuo
Dept Bioscience And Bioinformatics Computer Science And Systems Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Tech
Kihara Tatsuya
Dept Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Te
Kihara Tatsuya
Dept Bioscience And Bioinformatics Computer Science And Systems Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Tech
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- 2P-025 クライオ電子顕微鏡法,単粒子解析を用いたアセチルコリン受容体の構造解析(蛋白質・構造(2),第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
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- 1P175 Determination of the three-dimensional structure of respiratory chain cytochrome c oxidase by electron cryo-microscopy(5. Heme protein,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- A genetically encoded metallothionein tag enabling efficient protein detection by electron microscopy
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- 2N1624 電子顕微鏡画像分類の利便化のためのツール開発(バイオイメージング2,第49回日本生物物理学会年会)