3. 地熱用蒸気タービンの最新技術動向(蒸気タービンの最新技術動向,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Geothermal power is a "green" and renewable energy, because it utilizes the thermal energy of the earth instead of fossil fuels, and scarcely emits carbon dioxides that cause global warming. On the other hand, geothermal fluid contains a large amount of impurities that cause corrosion and scaling problems in the power plant equipment. New technologies were developed and applied to the recent geothermal steam turbines to solve the corrosion and scaling problems, as well as to realize increased capacity and higher efficiency. Recently, the world-largest 139MW single-casing geothermal steam turbine equipped with 798mm last stage blades - the longest ones ever used for geothermal steam turbines - was successfully put into operation.
- 公益社団法人日本ガスタービン学会の論文
- 2010-10-20
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- 3. 地熱用蒸気タービンの最新技術動向(蒸気タービンの最新技術動向,オーガナイズドセッション)
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