スウェーデンの「共生」のための義務教育課程に関する研究 : 1980年ナショナル・カリキュラム作成過程に焦点をあてて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the actual development and revision process of national curriculum on the content "living together" and clarify distinctive characteristics of its process. The main focus of this study is on the analysis of the 1980 national curriculum, not only because this revision started just after the MBL (Medbestammandelagstiftningen, Coperative Decision-making Law) came into force, placing more emphasis on the co-operation and "The School for All" than before, but because cross-curriculum for "learning to live together" was formed in the curriculum. From the analysis of the revision process of 1980 Swedish national curriculum, the following five points are proved evident. First, the Swedish revision process of curriculum is characterized by the fact that individual members of the "Laroplan" committee work independently from the government office, since the function of the government office is definitely separated from that of the executive office. Second, the individual members of the "Laroplan" committee are not representatives of respective subjects of compulsory school, but specialists in the fields which are considered essential at the time, such as "equality", and "the handicapped." This fact leads us to understand easily the key concepts for each curriculum revision. Furthermore, every committee consists of a variety of members so as to form a national consensus. Third, the fact, that students are on these committees is both remarkable and commendable. In fact, the teacher's guide book "Samlevnadundervisning (Sexuality and personal relationship)" published in 1977 by the Swedish national board on education was revised according to students' opinions. Fourth, national curriculum revision is carried out, based on reports of surveys, and all the discussions and the process in each committee are open to the public. And national curriculum is revised to solve the problems in Swedish society. In later 70's, Sweden put emphasis of education on "The school for All" and was trying hard to invite handicapped children into ordinary school. So the SIA (Skolans Inre Arbete) report discussed the detailed facts and the made proposals, and on this report the 1980 revision on was carried out. Fifth, the national cross-curriculum for "learning to live together" was realized through a thorough investigation in the particular educational content area "equality of the sexes." The 1980 national cross-curriculum for the "learning to live together" was based on the report "More Freedom and Equality Program for School" by Margareta Vestin, who was a specialist on "equality". The representatives of all subjects argued and discussed as to which subject should teach what content and how.
- 日本カリキュラム学会の論文
- 2009-03-31
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- スウェーデンの「共生」のための義務教育課程に関する研究 : 1980年ナショナル・カリキュラム作成過程に焦点をあてて
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