坂上郎女の悲哀 -女として母として-
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Sakanoueno Iratsume is one of the leading female poets in the days of Man-yo Shu. In this paper, I explored the causes of Iratsume's sorrow as a woman and a mother expressed in her poems. Iratsume's prime concern was her daughter's happiness as a wife. However, her daughter's marriage didn't last long, and iratsume was very distressed by this. In bitterness she remembered her own first husband, Hozumino Miko. He could never overcome the grief at the untimely death of Tajimano Himemiko whom he had been deeply in love with. Even after he was married to Iratsume, he was still living with the memory of Tajimano Himemiko. Iratsume suffered from envy, but at the same time, shi yearned for such an everlasting mutual love as theirs. In those days, polygamy was so common that women in general made no question of the system. Iratsume, however, was convinced that the true love she was yearning for could be found only in monogamy. Looking for true love, she married twice and had a love affair in vain. She was a lonely woman whose wish was neither fulfilled nor understood.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文