英語の音節型と促音知覚 : ナンセンス語による知覚テスト報告
- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese strings with a certain duration of vowels and plosives are perceived as strings with geminated plosives. To some extent, the same is true with English strings. What differs between Japanese strings and English strings and what exactly controls the gemination perception of English strings are not yet clear. Arai & Kawagoe (1996) showed that syllable types affect the perception ratio of English strings. This paper reports the perception ratios obtained from a test using three pseudo English strings as stimuli with constant vocalic and plosive duration. The results show some significant differences among the three syllable types. And also, unlike Japanese strings, pseudo English strings with longer vocalic duration do not need longer plosive duration to be perceived as geminate.
- 日本音声学会の論文
- 1998-12-30
- 英語の音調句 : 義務的境界をめぐって
- 英語のリズム : D.ボリンジャーと韻律理論
- 英語における長母音と短母音の交替について
- 英語風音声における日本語話者の促音知覚(促音)
- 借用語における促音(借用語音韻論の諸相)
- 英語の音節型と促音知覚 : ナンセンス語による知覚テスト報告