- 論文の詳細を見る
The main purpose of this paper is to illustrate the basis for discussing issues associated with the structure of social businesses such as The Big Issue (5 branches in UK, 7 Big Issue models in the world), Swan Bakery (3 branches, 24 chains in Japan) and to provide method for the replication processes of these social innovations. There are at least three ways expand social business-through wholly-owned replication (branch structure), affiliation-based replication (JV, franchising and partnership agreements) and dissemination(Dees, Anderson and Wei-skillern 2004; UnLtd Ventures 2008). The Big Issue and Swan Bakery have adopted branch structures and partnership agreements for the purpose of expansion. Partnership agreements are usually the least resource-intensive and have little control over implementation in new locations. Therefore, it is significantly important for social businesses to maintain their social mission at the new locations. We can also identify a diversity of organizational forms such as business corporations, social welfare corporations, nonprofit organizations and shadanhoujin (incorporated associations) in the Swan Bakery shops. Partnership agreements can allow for flexibility against regional diversities but also have difficulty in controlling their brand images and social mission.
- 2010-10-30
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