- 論文の詳細を見る
Conventionally, the primary objective of the construction of fishing grounds has been to create a habitat environment of the specific species for fishery, where main purpose is often to directly grow aquatic organisms that occupy an upper trophic level. However, this method might provide a possibility to destabilize the interactions between organisms including the interspecific competition and the predator-prey relationship, as well as to result in unexpected resource changes or the extinction of some species. To avert such risks while maintaining and growing fishery resources, it is effective to facilitate the species whose trophic level or ecological niche is lower than that of the target species. Thus, future efforts should be shifted to creating this type of environmental productivity. A future development of fishing grounds should focus on the promotion of the material circulation which occurs in an extensive sea area and driven by the life cycle of aquatic organisms, and the development of a cleaner and more productive aquatic environment. This would be accomplished by improving the quality and efficiency of aquatic organisms' life cycles, while reproducing and creating the environmental infrastructure that closely relates to the early stage of growth of aquatic life, such as seaweed beds and mud flats.In order to accurately evaluate the results of the development of fishing grounds that are characterized by high uncertainty and variability, it is necessary to build and use a fishing ground developing process that is adaptive and based on the PDCA cycle which is regulated by the generation time of the target species and the time before the effect reaches. To maintain the PDCA cycle, it is required to prepare an implementation plan that incorporates collaboration with various entities if necessary. In this respect, it is urgently needed to develop a tool or procedure to reach agreement among such entities, as well as build a process that allows such entities to reproduce extensive fishing grounds safely, easily and for low cost.
- 2011-11-15
- 深層水湧昇利用に向けた内部波エネルギー調査
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