絵画を用いた詩創作指導の意義 : Michael & Peter Benton(1997)を中心に
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Recently in the UK, there has been an increase in studies about cooperatively teaching and learning Art and English as one sphere of the National Curriculum requirement. One of these studies examines the teaching of poetry with paintings by Michael and Peter Benton. They proposed various activities with poetry inspired by paintings, such as examining the poetry, dramatizing it, having children write their own, and so on. The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between words in poetry and painting and to clarify the method and significance of teaching poetry writing with painting by examining the Bentons' book, Picture Poems. I found two roles for words from these activities set out by the Bentons. One is the role that gives "voice" to painting, and another is that which forms "space." These roles indicate the place where words arise, which are words outside of paintings and those inside of them. As seen, teaching in a style that brings together word and painting makes the function of words come to the forefront, and children attend to what words can express and what they cannot. This provided authentic learning of expression with words and offered important suggestions on how to develop the teaching of poetry writing so that children can learn about the potential for expression with words.
- 2011-09-30
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