304 金属板材の成形性に及ぼす降温プロセスの効果(塑性加工とその周辺技術(1),ものづくりにおける基礎研究と先端技術の融合)
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A biggest issue of some problems preventing the widespread use of Magnesium alloy is how to control its poor formability. Generally, improvement in formability was made by process with high process temperature. Here, the concept of temperature descent is provided and the usefulness of cooling down the process temperature is shown by the comparison to process with constant temperature. The object of this paper is to analyze the effect of temperature descent on improvement of stable formability and to demonstrate actually the utility. This paper contains both experimental results and theoretical analysis of the onset of diffuse necking. Actually at elevated temperature in tensile test by using Magnesium alloy hollow tube, where flowing cool air inside pipe may effectively lower the temperature of the work during the test, a significant rise in stable deformation range could be observed. The result may be applied to any other metal, being independent of metal class in the analysis, thus generalized concept seems to be reached to extension in stable deformation range of metals with poor formability.
- 2010-11-27
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- 304 金属板材の成形性に及ぼす降温プロセスの効果(塑性加工とその周辺技術(1),ものづくりにおける基礎研究と先端技術の融合)