2202 物理量次元インデクシングによる知識マネジメントの製品設計への応用 : FTA支援ツールの開発と適応事例(OS10-1 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有I,OS10 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有)
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In this paper, the authors propose computerized support for fault tree analysis (FTA). When a designer finds or encounters a problem during a product design and development process, an effective way of ensuring the function of product is to identify all the possible causes of the problem by FTA and fix them. Although FTA is an effective method, it is not easy for a designer to construct a complete fault tree without any misunderstanding or oversight. To solve this problem, the authors propose 2 support methods. One is a new design knowledge management approach called quantity dimension indexing and computerized support for FTA such as the verification of consistency of a fault tree and fault tree construction advice. The other is making of the fault trees based block diagram by computerized support. The former has an effect for FTA support of the machine problem, and the latter has an effect for FTA support of the control/system problem. By analyzing fault tree examples based on actual design activities in a company, the possible feasibility and future promise of the proposed approach are indicated.
- 2010-10-27
- 1107 ジヤトコの製品設計プロセスにおけるFMEA手法の改善
- 2202 物理量次元インデクシングによる知識マネジメントの製品設計への応用 : FTA支援ツールの開発と適応事例(OS10-1 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有I,OS10 設計における知識マネジメント・情報共有)
- 1106 物理量次元インデクシングに基づく故障木解析の知識マネジメント
- 2211 高信頼性設計のためのFault Tree Analysis支援システムの開発 : 設計現場でのFault Tree Analysis支援システムの効果検証と実用性評価(OS8-2 知識マネジメント・情報共有II,OS8 知識マネジメント・情報共有)