1502 電気めっき法で作製したナノ多層膜の微視的構造と強度(OS15-1 ナノ・マイクロの視点からの変形と破壊の力学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Mechanical properties and microstructure of Ni/Cu multilayered films have been investigated. The Ni/Cu multilayers were fabricated by electrodeposition technique. Thickness of individual Ni and Cu layers was set at h=20nm and 50nm, and total thickness of the multilayers was about 4μm. From electron diffraction patterns obtained by transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation, both the Ni and Cu layers were epitaxially grown during the electrodeposition. After being removed from a substrate, the Ni/Cu multilayered films were monotomcally strained to examine tensile strength. Prior to the tensile test, some multilayers were annealed. Ultimate tensile strength of the as-deposited multilayer of h=20nm was about 900MPa. After the annealing at 573K for 1 hour, the ultimate tensile strength of the 20nm multilayer increased up to 1GPa. However, the annealing at 773K significantly lowered tensile strength because disappearance of the multilayered microstructure. From the X-ray diffraction analysis of the as-deposited 20nm multilayer, the X-ray peaks from the Ni and Cu layers were unclear: both the layers had almost the same lattice constant. On the other hand, clear Ni and Cu peaks were detected at the annealed 20nm multilayer. It is thus probable that the increased strength in the annealed 20nm multilayer was caused by appearance of misfit dislocations which normally exist at an interface between the crystals having different lattice constants.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2010-10-09
- 電気めっきにより作製したCo/Cu多層膜の硬度と微視的構造の層厚さ依存性
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- 427 フェライト系ステンレス鋼単結晶での非線形応力-ひずみ挙動
- 339 繰返し変形された銅単結晶における転位組織の ECCI 法による非破壊的観察
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- 316 ECAP 加工された Pb-Sn 合金の変形と疲労特性
- ナノ多層膜の電気めっき法による成膜とその耐摩耗性
- 1502 電気めっき法で作製したナノ多層膜の微視的構造と強度(OS15-1 ナノ・マイクロの視点からの変形と破壊の力学)
- Equal Channel Angular Press 加工の押出し力低減 : 加工材先端部形状と潤滑剤の効果
- 傾斜組成を有するNi-Cuめっき膜の作製とその硬さ
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