前置詞学習における認知意味論的指導に関する一考察 : 前置詞at,in,onに焦点を当てて(中国地区英語教育学会第41回研究発表)
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This study examined the effectiveness of teaching prepositions through a cognitive semantics approach. Participants were 111 Japanese university students. They were divided into three groups: image-schema and core-meaning-based instruction (ISCBI), core-meaning-based instruction (CBI) and translation-based instruction (TBI). Also each group was divided into two sub-groups according to their pre-test scores: upper group and lower group. They took a prepositional test, and one week later, each group had an instruction with regarding to prepositions, and took a post-test. As a result, the scores of the ISCBI and TBI groups increased, though CBI alone decreased. As for the upper groups, there were no differences between ISCBI and TBI, but CBI decreased. Conversely, all of the lower groups increased.
- 2011-03-31