共生の海 再生する島
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to describe and examine the influences of the human-induced environmentalchanges on the indigenous communities. Native peoples worldwide have often accepted the status of victims, whilethey have strategically connected to outside societies in the global system. In Alaska, most natives are Americancitizens, however they resolved issues through dialogue and negotiation with the American authorities. Theirsocial conditions have much in common with those of other indigenous peoples in the world. Therefore it isimportant to demonstrate that environmental issues are not only the short-term and direct damages but also thelong-term and indirect tribulations for the native societies through the explication of process for their immigrationunder constraint. Additionally this paper considers the possibilities and problems of the community based co-managementof the maritime resources. The implementation of harmonious administration of natural resources is very difficultbecause of the complicated interests in the fisheries, although it is appropriate measure to consolidate thesustainable and mutually-beneficial schemes of environmental protection.
- 2011-03-31
- 儀礼の力
- 共生の海 再生する島
- 私たちはインコ[Araras]である : レヴィ=ブリュル再考
- パフォーマンスの人類学 : カナダ・クワキウトゥルにおけるの劇場性
- 認知科学に於けるとその課題
- 状況学習の〈トポス〉としての博物館--生涯教育における博物館の役割に関する理論的展望
- 博物館法改正と学芸員養成
- 博物館法改正と学芸員養成