G0100-1-6 粒子法による非圧縮性流れ解析([G0100-1]計算力学部門一般講演(1))
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The present shows incompressibility fluid using Moving Particle Semi-implicit method . It aims to develop a steady method for incompressibility fluid by Moving Particle Semi-implicit method. In general, Moving Particle Semi-implicit method is very used for the flow analysis with shape. Incompressible Fluid Flow is analyzed. It is investigated what solution and what problem you cause. As for the particle method, when a past reports is investigated, the thing that the value of pressure causes the vibration easily is reported. Finite difference method understands a numeric vibration is similarly caused, and has solved this problem. Therefore, the stabilization technique can be similarly developed for Moving Particle Semi-implicit method.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2010-09-04
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