S1904-1-5 アーク加熱気流中に置かれたアブレータの熱応答(大気突入・減速技術(1),社会変革を技術で廻す機械工学)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Numerical simulation of thermal response of ablator was carried out. In addition to the temperature measurement inside of an ablator and surface recession length to validate the simulation was carried out. The present test case was a light-weight ablator exposed to an arc-heated flow which was in strong thermochemical nonequilibrium. First, two-dimensional simulation code of thermal response of ablator including thermal decomposition, surface reaction (nitridation and sublimation) and surface recession is developed. The assumption is set that pyrolysis gas is quasi-one dimension and steady motion. The arc-jet condition was specified according to the 20 kW arc-heated wind tunnel in Kyushu University with the working gas being N_2. By conducting coupled analysis, we can obtain detailed thermal property data (e.g. temperature and density). Moreover, calculation results were compared with measurement data. Calculation results for temperature inside ablator were basically agreed with experimental data. On the other hand, calculation result for surface recession predicted smaller than experimental data.
- 2010-09-04
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