家庭科におけるジェンダー/セクシュアリティに関わる教育実践の現状と課題 : 高校生と家庭科教師を対象とした調査から
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The purpose of this study is to clarify problems of gender/sexuality education being taught in home economics. Results are as follows: Gender education is taught in the Daily Life level, however the content of this class concerns gender equality in marridge life and family rather than more specific individual gender and social issues. Additionally, sexuality is mainly taught in the subject of Child Care. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Based on the teaching contents, teachers were divided into three types; those who emphasize the importance of life, those who organize the class according to student's currentsexual status, and those who treat sexuality as one of the lifestyles. This study also shows that many teachers consider that the issues of the various rights on sexuality and human rights are not dealt with in the current home economics education.
- 2010-07-01