- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper provides transcripts from a Focusing session, a method of psychotherapy developed by the American philosopher Eugene Gendlin. The session was conducted with Yumi Nishimura as part of the 21^<st> Public Lecture of the Society for Mind-Body Science held at Kansai University on July 31^<st>, 2010. From the excerpts of this 20-minute Focusing session, the author explicates four assertions about the body: the body as relating; the body as felt sense; the body as implicit and pre-cognitive; the body as implying. These assertions explicate the body as lived; augment the view of the body in anatomy and physiology; and surpass the dualism of the perceiving subject and the object to be perceived. More assertions may be made from the transcripts to explicate the being of what is commonly referred to as body, mind, or living.
- 2011-06-04
- 自律訓練法のNext Stageを探る--フォーカシングの観点から見た自律訓練法とイメージ
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