Catholic Homiliesにおける聖書引用
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Abstract Based on a lecture delivered in a 2008 symposium on medieval English literature, this essay discusses some of the problems we face in reading the biblical quotations lfric makes in his Old English homilies of the Catholic Homilies series. It examines the problems in terms of the homilist's distinctive creative method, which may be defined, in relation to the antecedent works he draws upon, as fundamentally `a process of selection, adaptation and independent argument', as one scholar puts it. The essay consists of four sections. Following the introductory section, the second section examines three homilies(CH II. 37, I. 2, and II. 24), comparing the quotations lfric makes in their respective pericopes and bodies, and argues for a few points of view which may be important in understanding the differences. The second main section examines two other homilies(CH I. 26 and II. 7), focusing upon lfric's method of `continuous gloss' in them and considering, among other things, his distinctive way of introducing his own voice as homilist into the speech of the hagiographical character. The essay concludes with a brief summary of the present discussion and a reference to the new problems that have emerged from it.
- 2011-04-01
- 古英語研究を考える : 一つの視点
- Catholic Homiliesにおける聖書引用
- 醤油販売容器製造の変革(文化史学会第九回大会発表要旨)
- 英語史研究を考える : 一つの視点(教員学術研究会(平成16年度)要旨)
- 研 究 余 滴〈エッセイ〉 中世英文学と私フィロロジー雑感