『分別と多感』 -マリアンのセンシビリティー-
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Abstract Jane Austen's novels are novels of manners. They interrogate manners regarded as their norm in the society in which her characters live. In her first authentic novel, Sense and Sensibility, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are the heroines. Marianne, who is, at first, very sensitive and acts based on her feelings and emotions, is very attractive though her manners are deplored by those around her. On the other hand, Elinor, who behaves herself based on her sense and contemporary conventions, is not so attractive compared with Marianne. In presenting these two characters, Austen seems neither to completely deny "sensibility" nor to completely admire the "sense". She suggests that the important thing is to keep a balance between sense and sensibility. In the course of the novel Marianne becomes more sensible; she adopts, that is, comportment which will win her praise from the public, but the reader cannot help feeling that she is less attractive than before. We must remember, though, that Marianne lives in a Novel of Manners and her existence is a necessary prelude to well-balanced heroines such as Elizabeth Bennet and Emma Woodhouse.
- 2011-04-01
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