Effective discharge controlling planimetric geometry of meandering streams based on spectral analysis
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Meandering modes of 62 reaches are determined using Maximum Entropy Method. Spectral analysis indicates the existence of multiple meandering modes on a single reach at the same time. Planimetric geometry of meandering streams is likely to be a product of a wide range of discharges. The first meandering mode is influenced by the whole range of flows over 1.3 years return period, whereas the second one has the narrower effective range of flows from 1.2 to 5.0 years. Thirty-four reaches in the region of heavy snowfall indicate that the relationship between meandering modes and discharges reflects the regional characteristics of streamflows. The first meandering mode reflects the heavy flood flows related to rains generated by typhoons or fronts, whereas the second one may be influenced by the low flood flows below 1.1 years related to snowmelt.
- 首都大学東京の論文
首都大学東京 | 論文
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