908 ハイブリッド型超音波流量計の金属平板における超音波伝搬特性(2)(OS9-2 超音波を利用した流動場の計測(流量計測),OS9超音波を利用した流動場の計測,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
A multi-beam pulse ultrasonic Doppler method has been developed for a new type of flow metering system. This system, which is under investigation, is a hybrid of time-of-flight (TOF) type ultrasonic flowmeter and ultrasonid velocity profile (UVP) type flowmeter, and it has the advantages of these two types. Our final purpose is to apply the hybrid ultrasonic flow metering system to an accurate flow rate measurement of feed-or recirculation-water in nuclear power plants. The pulse Ultrasonic Doppler method (UDM) has the capability to obtain instantaneous velocity profiles along an ultrasonic beam. The principle of the UDM flow metering system is based on the integration of an instantaneous velocity profile over a pipe diameter. Hence, the multi-beam system is expected to eliminate installation problems such as entry length, and also to follow transmit flow rate precisely by increasing the number of ultrasonic transducers. However, it needs reflectors for receiving ultrasonic Doppler signals. On the other hand, the TOP ultrasonic flow metering system does not need any reflector, but it needs profile factors (PFs) which depend on velocity profiles. PF is one of the important experimental coefficients for the accurate flow rate measurement. Therefore PFs must be corrected according to the changes in flow conditions. In the present study, we evaluated the correction effects of the hybrid ultrasonic flow metering system which can correct the profile factors of TOP ultrasonic flowmeter by using UDM.
- 2007-11-17
有冨 正憲
東京工業大学 原子炉工学研究所
森 治嗣
木倉 宏成
有冨 正憲
森 治嗣
浜田 翔
浜田 翔
臼井 健介
森 治嗣
有富 正憲
Aritomi Masanori
Laboratories For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Aritomi M
Tokyo Inst. Of Technol. Tokyo
Aritomi Masanori
Graduate School Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
森 治嗣
東京電力 技術開発研
木倉 宏茂
有冨 正憲
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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