A Study of Platform Business Model by Near Field Communication Technology
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It is difficult to create a successful new business just by developing a new product because of the immediate threat of global imitation and price competition. Therefore, this thesis considers differentiation via a more complete business model. Imitation becomes difficult when what differentiates one business from another in the entire business model. This thesis gives special consideration to the platform business model. This is a business model of the ecosystem type. In rapidly changing management environments, the most desirable strategy for a company to pursue is one that capitalizes on the strengths of various other companies while also concentrating on the company's own strength. The question arises, however, of how the platform business model is developed. A company does not merely begin offering products for sale. Various companies should be consulted, and win-win relationships must be developed. This thesis uses a case study to explore the success factors that are key to the development of new businesses via this type of business model. The innovation studied is Felica, a Japanese product made by Sony. In the Felica case study, the product was not sold as a single electronic part, and the platform business model was used. Network externality was essential, and innovation spread as a result. A corresponding framework for using the platform business model to succeed can be summarized using the following equation : "Openness" x "Integration capability" x "International standardization". It is thought that a new business's chances of success can be increased using the framework mentioned above.
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