- 論文の詳細を見る
The analysis of the mechanisms of the current exchange between the electrodes and the working fluid is thought to be an important problem for clarifying the MHD electrical power generation phenomena, which few papers have ever dealt with. In this paper, the analysis is made on the open cycle MHD generators with graphite electrodes, the results of the experiments being reasonably explained by the theory. The conclusions obtained show that in the case of the generator with long operating time, the electrodes can afford the current uniformly over the area of their surfaces with voltage drop lower than the work function of the electrodes. On the other hand, in the case of the generator with short running time of a few seconds, the current path concentrates into a small spot on the cathode, causing considerable voltage drop over the electrodes.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
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- 13a-F-13 大電流アークの分光学的研究 V
- 8a-U-9 大電流アークの分光学的研究 IV
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