Recreating of the rurality in the urban fringe of tokyo metropolitan area : a case study of kodaira city
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In this paper we made a point of the rurality in Kodaira City, Tokyo metropolis as a case study of the urban fringe, and discussed about its recreating based on urban and rural establishments such as farm shops. According to characteristics of farm shops in Kodaira City. they are divided into the road side and the gate shops. Road side farm shops have the function that is ensured maintenance of agricultural land use, and their management are large-scale and cooperative including shopkeepers. Their successful development has been ensured with the higher accessibility to urban consumers and much information on their needs. On the contrary, gate shops of farm or farmland are situated within traditional rural settlements, and are small-scale and shopkeeperless establishments. They are supported with convenient and friendly connection between urban and rural residents. Both types have been developed with restructuring of the connection between the urbanity and the rurality in the urban fringe Kodaira City. Therefore, the farm shop is an indispensable establishment for both urban residents and farmers. because it is the node that has connected with the urbanity and the rurality. Furthermore, the reinforcement of this connection has led to not only develop the sustainable rural system, but also to ensure the social sustainability that nested characteristics of urban and rural communities comprehensively.
- 首都大学東京の論文
首都大学東京 | 論文
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