簡便な鋼材用異方塑性モデル Mark Mahan,Yannis F.Dafalias,Mahdi Taiebat,YeongAe Heo,Sashi K.Kunnath:SANISTEEL:Simple Anisotropic Steel Plasticity Model [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.137,No.2,February 2011,pp.185-194](構造,文献抄録)
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延性破壊過程の多解像度連続体シミュレーション Rong Tian,Stephanie Chan,Shan Tang,Adria M.Kopacz,Jian-Sheng Wang,Herng-Jeng Jou,Larbi Siad,Lars-Erik Lindgren,Gregory B.Olson and Wing Kam Liu:A multiresolution continuum simulation of the ductile fracture process [Journal of Mecha
簡便な鋼材用異方塑性モデル Mark Mahan,Yannis F.Dafalias,Mahdi Taiebat,YeongAe Heo,Sashi K.Kunnath:SANISTEEL:Simple Anisotropic Steel Plasticity Model [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering,Vol.137,No.2,February 2011,pp.185-194](構造,文献抄録)
構造物に作用する津波荷重のモデル化に関する実験及び数値解析 Ioan Nistor,Dan Palermo,Andrew Cornett,Taofiq Al-Faesly:Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Tsunami Loading on Structures [Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering,June 2010](構造,文献抄録)
構造用ポーラス炭素鋼:応用例、製造法、材料特性 B.H. Smith, S. Szyniszewski, J.F. Hajjar, B.W. Schafer, S.R. Arwade:Steel foam for structures:A review of applications, manufacturing and material properties [Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.71, April 2012, pp.1-10](構
露出柱脚の回転剛性に関する実験及び解析モデル A.M. Kanvinde, D.A. Grilli and F. Zareian:Rotational Stiffness of Exposed Column Base Connections:Experiments and Analytical Models [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.138, No.5, May 2012, pp.549-560](構造,文献抄録)
木造壁に作用する津波荷重の実大実験, D. Linton, R. Gupta, D. Cox, M. Clauson, J. van de Lindt, M. E. Oshnack : Evaluation of Tsunami Loads on Wood Frame Walls at Full Scale [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Published online August 10, 2012, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943
鉄骨フレームにおけるボルト接合部の損傷同定, Jann N. Yang, Ye Xia and Chin-Hsiung Loh: Damage Identification of Bolt Connections in Steel Frame [ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Published online February 27, 2013, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000831](構造,文献抄録)
確率論的Cyclic Void Growth Modelによる鋼の極低サイクル疲労予測, A.T. Myers, A.M. Kanvinde, G. Deierlein, J. Baker : A Probabilistic Formulation of the Cyclic Void Growth Model to Predict Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue in Structural Steel [ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Pub